
問 小室眞子様に質問いたします。




  How did you feel when your engagement became a big scandal in the media, including being compared to Megan Markle? (ママ)  And now you are married, what are your plans in New York --are you open to the idea of doing a TV interview, such as with Oprah Winfrey?

答 この質問は、英語版と日本語版でいただきました。英語の質問で使われている scandalには不祥事という意味もありますが、私たちの回答では、scandal は物議という意味であるという前提でお答えします。




  It is sad for me to receive this sort of question, which may give the impression that false information is a fact. We have never considered our engagement to be a “scandal,” though unfortunately, there have been some disputes. We have been horrified, scared, and saddened by the fact that false information has been taken as fact and that unfounded stories have spread.

  As for the comparison, I don’t have any particular thoughts.

  I would like to refrain from answering any questions about my future personal life. I am not considering giving any interviews at the moment. What I would like is just to lead a peaceful life in my new environment. (Mako Komuro)

令和3年10月26日 小室眞子 小室圭 

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