「日本語の『高騰』には『価格が』のニュアンスが含まれるが、グーグル翻訳では訳されていない。『Vegetablesare soaring』では『野菜が飛翔している』ということになってしまい、意味が通じません」(関谷さん)

Vegetable prices are rising due to bad weather.

■POINT2 因果関係をすっきりさせる
In the Tokyo metropolitan area where demand for medical welfare expands due to the proliferation of elderly people, and the budget is difficult to support child rearing support, the birthrate does not rise.


As the number of elderly people has increased dramatically and demand for medical welfare has risen, it is difficult to secure a budget to support parenting. Under such circumstances, we can not expect that the birthrate in the metropolitan area will rise.
